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Hi, I am Lauren and I’m a Level 3 fitness instructor specialising in pre-natal and post-natal women.  I am also the mother to two amazing girls. My passion is working with women to find health and balance in their lives. 

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My Story

In 2018 I created Boxercise For Mums, a fitness class where mums could exercise in a female only environment, bringing their babies and toddlers along with them. It was during my maternity leave with my first baby, Connie, that I realised there wasn’t anywhere to exercise with your little one in tow. 

In 2018, I started a weekly class in our Crosby venue Love23 with the aim of giving women an opportunity to exercise alongside other mums with all the highs, lows, fun and support of our new community whilst the kids are crawling, toddling, and running round!


During my maternity leave with Maggie, my second little treasure(!), I struggled with having two children under three. My mental health suffered and was at its worst when I returned to my work as a Detective in Merseyside Police, attempting to manage a career, my classes, a social life and being a mum took its toll. Like many women, I was exhausted and overwhelmed.


I attended a Working Women’s Conference and listened to a talk on the magic of your menstrual cycle by Alexandra Pope, the author of Wild Power and founder of the Red School. I started to track my cycle (Clue or Flo Ap are both great.) and the outcome on my physical and mental health was amazing.

I worked with Jessica Sawyer of Conscious Calling and Angela Spencer of Virago Wellness and delved into a world of self-development, mindset, and self-care. I changed the way I exercised, recognising the different seasons of my cycle, and finally started to feel balanced and connected with myself. Experiencing the power of our cycle and working with our hormones and not against them made me want to share this magic. Sleep, self-care and listening to your body’s natural rhythm is so important, whether you are trying for your first baby, going for your dream job or going through the menopause.


A healthy body starts with a healthy mind, and it is time to change society’s norm. It is not about pushing your body too hard or training when you are exhausted. Exercise not only helps the body physically but also mentally. It makes us feel more positive about our postpartum bodies, gives us energy and lifts our mood. However, doing too much, too soon or when you are over tired can have the reverse effect. Balance is key.

By March 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, I took my 3 weekly classes onto Zoom and used the time to take further qualifications. In January 2022, I took a leap of faith and started a full-time timetable.


As the year progressed, I have passed my Pilates qualification and created a timetable that has a class recommended for each phase of your Cycle. I have also teamed up with some amazing women to provide support for you nutritionally, mentally, and spiritually. Check out the “Referral Team” tab for my go-to gals.


Finding time to exercise and eat healthily can be a challenge and I believe you need the support of a like-minded community and classes that complement the different stages of your cycle. Exercise needs to be as easy as possible, that is why children are welcome at ALL MY CLASSES where they are positively influenced in watching their mums, grandmother’s and aunties exercise.


If you do not live locally, I offer 3 weekly classes available via Zoom. 

I look forward to welcoming you, and your little ones, into our Flow Fitness community. 


Lauren x


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


©2021 by Flow Fitness

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